Rest for Your Soul
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” – Psalms 62:5
Hope is a powerful word. But there is nothing stronger than talking to your own soul to gain encouragement. When there is no one around to remind you of the goodness of God, you can remind yourself.
If you are down today, rise and tell your soul to find rest in God. Look for it in Him. Search for it in His presence. Nowhere else will you find that rest and hope you need for the day. Your hope comes from God. Your hope comes from His love and His presence.
Hope I will say again. Tell your soul to find rest in His love and His truth. Soul, be at rest.
Prayer for Today:
Lord, thank you for being my hope. Thank you for being my rest in the time of trouble and that in you I can have all the rest I need. Thank you for being all that I need today as I find my rest in you. In Jesus name. Amen.
💙 ~ Angela
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