Safety in the Lord
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalms 91:1
I love the word whoever, because that includes you and me and anyone else and everyone else. God promises that whoever comes near and lives with Him will find rest.
The love of the Lord is so great that the closer we are to Him, the more protected and safe we are. On a hot summer day, we try to find a shade spot to cool off. We look for something that is casting a shadow. A tree, a building or something. Did you know that in order for there to be a shadow, you must be near the original object?
God is our object. He is our shelter. The closer you are to Him, the more protection you will have and the more rest you will encounter. He is so big that even His shadow brings rest. Get nearer to Him friend. Live there, dwell there and rest.
Prayer for Today:
Lord, thank you for the ability to dwell in your shadow. Thank you for the rest you give, even in your shadow. Thank you for safety and protection in your presence. In Jesus name. Amen.
💙 ~ Angela
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